Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi. Applications are invited for the post of Project Associate-I in Department of Health Research (DHR) funded project titled, "Proteomic and Inflammatory signatures ofcardiac injury in Long-Covid culminating into heart failure," R.11014/19/2023GIA/HR
(a) 1 (One) Project Associate-I @ Rs. 31,000 + 27%
HRA= Rs. 39,370/-
Essential Qualification
The candidate must have completed M.Sc. in Anthropology or Allied Sciences and have qualified UGC-NET in the respective subject.
Desirable Qualification: Field work experience. The above-mentioned position is purely on a temporary basis for three years.
The application along with resume and supporting documents should be emailed or posted to the undersigned within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. No TA/DA shall be paid.
Dr. Suniti Yadav
Principal Investigator
DHR Sponsored Project No.: R.11014/19/2023GIA/HR
Department of Anthropology
University of Delhi
For more assistance Whatsapp on 8826672990